Monday, October 17, 2011


So, I've become a bit of a rice snob. Living in China and eating rice every day can do that to you. They take their rice seriously here. At home in America when you want to buy rice you go to the store and pick up a bag. There aren't that many kinds to choose from... long grain, short grain, brown rice... take your pick and then buy it.

Shopping for rice in China is NOT like that.  They have bins and bins of open rice. Apparently lots of different kinds because the prices are all marked differently it seems. And knowledgeable Chinese people walk along the bins and feel the rice and look at the rice and smell the rice before scooping carefully selected grains into a bag to take home.

Intense right?

I think when I get home I'm going to have to find a way to invest in a rice cooker. Because rice is better when cooked in a rice cooker. Something I didn't really appreciate until recently.

So yeah. After I invest in a rice cooker I may invite you over for some rice. And some real southern Chinese food that will be (hopefully) marginally close to authentic.

Hopefully :)

1 comment:

  1. It is fun to read about your adventures in China. Sounds like you are having a great time. We have a rice cooker from Walmart and I don't think it was too expensive.
