Monday, December 12, 2011

Chinese Women Understand

I had a breakdown tonight. Actually I'm kind of in the middle of it... hence this post will be short.

This is the first emotional breakdown I've had while in China. An amazing feat considering the fact that I live with 6 other girls...

And so Anna dragged me downstairs to the corner store and started pulling chocolate off the shelves while I paced back and forth mumbling. After she has an armload we headed to the freezer. And started trying to decide which of the frozen treats would best suit our needs.

The lady at the cash register paused in the middle of ringing up a gentleman, came over, lifted up half of the bin and dug some pure chocolate cones out of the very bottom and offered them to us. We never would have known they were there without her help.

I love how we can't speak and yet she completely understands. And I'm grateful.

1 comment:

  1. I would just like to verify that not only did this happen but also that she was banging her head in the elevator and monologueing under her breath.
