Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jet Lag Sucks


But despite our extreme tiredness.... (It's 3:30 am in Utah time and 5:30 pm the next day here in Hong Kong) we have ventured out to explore the city. We may hit up the temple later! But our first order of business was to exchange money and find some Wifi. (Starbucks is great! There's one in the shopping center here and that's how I found internet.)

Hong Kong. Is. Incredible. Can I just say that? Buildings bigger than anything you've ever seen.... and it's green. And raining. Therefore: after we freshened up at our hotel, we set out to exchange currency across the street, and my first purchase in HK was a blue umbrella and banana at a mini supermarket on the street. Together they cost me 21 dollars and 40 cents. That's in Hong Kong dollars, so in American money I spent less than 3 dollars. Guess they weren't kidding when they said stuff here is cheaper. You feel like you are forking out lots of money -- handing over a twenty for something so small. But when I stop and convert in my head I don't feel like I'm being so spendy.

It definitely is humid and hot here, but I'm not all sticky right now! Maybe that's due to the rain.... guess I'll find out at some point. I'm hoping that the stickiness stays away though. Although I'm slightly doubting it. Ha.

There is much much more I could say. I could tell you about how they drive on the 'wrong' side of the street, or about how there's no traffic rule system that we can really figure out. No cross walks either... best we can see it's just kind of dart and weave and duck and go whenever you can. Luckily traffic is slow so I'm not too afraid of getting hit by a cab driver. I could tell you about the sweet room in the shopping center that makes it look like you are under water, or about how tomorrow I'll get to hike Victoria's peak and tour the fisherman's market. We're also planning on a firework show over the bay. There are so many experiences to describe.... but the city is calling and I only have a short time here in HK. So this post is going to end shortly. Let's just say that Hong Kong is great. I can see why Papa is jealous that he didn't get to come here too. Don't worry though Papa, I'm taking lots of pictures :)

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