Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Somebody call 119!

Cause that's the number you call in China when there is a fire. Want to know how I know that?

I know that because we had a fire drill today. Actually, we thought it was going to be a fire drill, turned out to be a little bit more elaborate than that.

First off... they passed out wet rags for us to put over our noses as we ran out of the building with the children. When we got down the stairs and into the courtyard we proceeded to squat in the courtyard, and watch a little fire demo. This particular fire demo included a real fire (in a fire pit of course), fire extinguishers, a skit where a family vacated their apartment after the fire started, and (drum roll please) a  real fire truck. A real fire truck that rolled into the courtyard. Parked. Pulled their hoses out. AND sprayed the side of the building with water.

Ok. How come we don't have fire drills like this in America? Cause they are S.W.E.E.T. Entertaining. And informational. I was again reminded that in America we do all things backwards. (I used to think it was China that was backwards, and then I realized that it's really America that does things oddly.) But backwards or no, I now know the number for the Chinese fire department.

PS: Sorry for the lack of pictures. But I didn't have a camera with me :(

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