Monday, September 5, 2011

"Hey Lady"

So it's too hot in Guzhen for me to worry much about hair and makeup and stuff like that. Not that I was ever super into that stuff anyways.... ok. I'll take part of that back. I have always been a little vain about my hair --- but makeup not so much.

Anyways. Here in China, I don't need to really bother with either in order to turn heads. Literally. Elizabeth and I were discussing how pretty we feel here in China. Even when we are gross and sweaty and dressed extremely badly. I think it's because all of the stares. Especially from the men.

Like a couple of nights ago. Elizabeth and I were walking home from the market. My hair was thrown up in a mess on top of my head, I think hers was in a ponytail. I was sporting a red blood donor t-shirt, and baggy capris. Elizabeth had a gray DI t-shirt on with boy shorts. Not the best look for either of us. Nevertheless, that didn't stop two policemen (yes, policemen) from slowing down to honk and say hello to us.

This afternoon we were walking back from school, when a man sitting next to the corner mart held out a pamphlet or something that he wanted me to take and said "Hey Lady" with a large grin.

Tonight we were walking back from the market. There was a long line of traffic moving slowly along beside us.... yet a motorcyclist slowed down to swerve in front of me, blocking a whole line of traffic as he did so, to say 'Hi,' before smiling and taking off again.

My favorite of the day though was the attractive man eating at the restaurant below our building. He did one of those sweeping 'I'm just seeing what's moving on the street' looks, but his gaze firmly halted when he spotted us, and I'm fairly certain his eyes followed us until we were past.

This happens everywhere. Everyday. All. the. time.

Is it a nice confidence boost? Absolutely.

Good for my large ego? Probably not. Hehe.


  1. BAHAHAHAhahahaha I love that! I didn't get that in Spain... this is total proof that you are way more gorgeous than me! hehe

  2. Love it! Wish we were getting looks like that here....but people just give us angry looks and yell at us in Russian to get out of the way. Like you said, such a difference experience. Good luck with everything!

  3. Watch out Miss Krystal, or your rapidly swelling head could soon rival Mr. David's... ;) hehehe. Jk. That's awesome!
