Friday, September 16, 2011

A very cute boy

winked slyly at me today. No joke. I knew it was a sly wink because of the mischievous grin that accompanied the exaggerated motion.

Want to know what I did when he winked at me? I grinned. A large grin. A grin that was accompanied by a chuckle, and a few words to the charming young gentleman.

Now before you go freaking out on me, and telling me that I'm not allowed to fall in love with any Chinese men, you should know a few things about him. First off, his name is Liam. Secondly, he's about 4 years old. And there is no way that you can resist falling in love with a 4 year old who winks at you after class. It just isn't possible. 

Chinese kids are so cute. So cute. Even when they're being naughty. Even when I yell at them. Even when my throat is dry from trying to shout over the giggles during games...

They just capture your heart. And when they come up and hug my leg, or break into a huge grin and yell "Hello Teacher!" while waving enthusiastically at me... it just makes my mushy little heart gooify all over the floor. And yes. That word was absolutely just made up.

Back to kids. While I miss SPED, and I still don't think that preschool or kindergarten is my calling in life... I do enjoy these children. 48 of them. And 8 of the four-year-olds are in my home group. My assigned favorites I guess you could say. Not that I love them more than the other kids... they're just specifically mine, so I guess maybe there is a little bit of bias going on in regards to Coco, Hannah, James, Fish, Shelly, Brian, Xander, and Noah. And for those who might be wondering: I did get to name some of them.

*Note: Pictures will be added to this blogpost shortly, as soon as I can steal the pics Megan took of my group from her camera :)


  1. I love kids too! Oh, I'm taking the class you suggested for me SPED 4000. I'm not sure how I feel about it. It is kinda boring. I don't know what information the teacher expects us to know either. Anyway, its funny that you say that preschool or kindergarten isn't your calling because I would imagine that that is the age I would want to teach, but who knows! Glad you are having a fabulous time!

  2. Haha. I told you it was boring. But unfortunately it is the intro class :) Try to see past the laws, and good luck my dear!

    I thought I'd like the little kids too... but sometimes I surprise myself. :)
