Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I fibbed today

Because I am a dirty rotten liar.

And want to know what's worse? I didn't even feel bad about it.

So there is this man. His name is Mr. Son (emphasize the o, and kind of unemphasize the n). And he talks to me a lot. And he asks me to sit by him at lunch sometimes. And he teaches me Chinese words every day. And one day he asked me how old I was.

Friendly guy right? Well... the problem is. He doesn't do this to any of the other teachers. Just me.

It's not a problem. I don't mind talking to him. We're on friendly terms, but I've quit being super friendly, just in case. And I think I now have just cause for my actions, because today he asked me if I want to marry a Chinese man. It took me about negative .4 seconds to promptly respond that I want to marry an American. And he laughed and repeated the question, and I assured him, that I really DON'T want to marry a Chinese man. I REALLY want to marry an American boy.

He tried to tease me further, suggesting that he could set me up with some Chinese... and asking if I have an American boyfriend at home. (This is all done in broken English FYI.) This is where I fibbed. I used a word I'm almost positive he doesn't understand, and said "Sorta" while nodding my head emphatically.

Sorta is not the truth. It's not even close to the truth, because I don't have a single male soul anxiously awaiting my return to the states that I am not already related to.

See what a rotten liar I am? But I'm actually very ok with being a liar in this case.

So. If anyone asks. I have an American boyfriend. But only for the next three months.



  1. Okay, I'll make sure to spread the rumor. ;) Love this Krystal, you are great!

  2. hahahahahaha Well Krystal that's what you get for being so amazingly gorgeous! :) Good luck keeping the Chinese men away. Love you! Miss you!

  3. Haha next time a chinaman asks me......
    Keep having waaay too much fun out there
